Sunday, January 07, 2007

Vincent Sardi

Excerpt from New York Times Article:
Vincent Sardi Jr., Restaurateur and Unofficial 'Mayor of Broadway,' Dies at 91

Vincent Sardi Jr., who owned and managed Sardi's restaurant, his father's theater-district landmark, for more than half a century and became, by wide agreement, the unofficial mayor of Broadway, died yesterday at a hospital in Berlin, Vt.. He was 91 and had lived in Warren, Vt., since retiring in 1997.

In the late 70´s I had the honor to sit next to Vincent at a mess night sponsored by the New Jersey/New York MCROA in the New York City’s 69th Regiment Armory. At the time I was president of the Garden State Chapter. The guest of honor was PX Kelly and his wife. General Kelly was then heading the Strategic Command in Florida. Major Sardi suggested that I sing the Star Bangled Banner. Of course it was a little embarrassing as I am not used to yodeling in front of people but anyway I forced myself to sing and General Kelly was impressed. When I did reserve duty at the Naval Annex I would stop by to chat with the then Commandant of the Marine Corps, General Kelly as well as visit with George Navadel and Chaplain Ammons. (Jim Woodring and Joe Arroyo former XO of India company were also at Headquarters Marine Corps.) I sang so well that it was recommended I stay at the rank of Major instead of progressing to Lt.Col. as the promotion board told me that it wouldn´t be fitting for a Battalion Commander to serenade the troops...

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