We sailed into September on a cold breath of winter or late fall. The headlines in the local papers read things like "BRRRR" and my tomatoes were at best a light pink-green and those were the ones in my greenhouse. The grass in the garden was verdant and thick as a result of the rainy cold weather and the pumpkins had no problem swelling into basketball sizes.
Last week around Wednesday or Thursday the sun began to shine and I had to open the car windows to cool off without putting on the air conditioner.
I took a long walk with Gudrun on Sunday she in her electric wheelchair and I trying to keep pace with the slightly faster than walking speed machine. We went to a town north of her part of the town named Koeditz to see what the local gastronomy offered. It was a bit of a disappointment as at the late hour of 5 PM hot meals were no longer served and only light fare was offered. The restaurant we picked was tidy and clean but to my chagrin, they only had beer in bottles being as the draft machine was not in order. I really expect in a pub or Gastaette as it is known in Germany to be able to enjoy draft beer. I have bottled beer at home as well as bread and cold cuts in my refrigerator. I ordered the beer and coldcuts anyway because the walk was long. I had worked up a thirst and hunger so had to accept what was given. Here is the town we went to.
The light along the path we took was brilliantly lit from the sun as it can be at times in Hof although the weather is often gray and gloomy. Here is a field that was freshly cut.

Surprisingly in the small town of Koeditz we saw a house pictured below that was more like a small castle. Yes there are rich people even in our area

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