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I went for a "Spazierfahrt" or bike ride on Saturday the first of July. I joined friends from the nearby village of Marktleuthen. (remember that this is website translation from the original language and sometimes doesn´t make sense) There were two couples and myself. We promptly swung into the saddle so to speak and pedaled in the direction of the Egertal or Eger Valley which is perhaps 10 or 15 kilometers distance from the Czech Border. The Eger Valley is cut out from the river Eger and is seemingly flat or rolling countryside. This is in contrast to Hof where I live which is in the so called Frankenwald or Frankish Forest which is a hilly area and you need a lot of uphill power to negotiate the steep inclines. The day was "herrlich" German for great with brilliant clear skies and that particular light that is seen in northern areas of the world. The sun is low on the horizon silhouetting objects on the ground with a three dimensional intensity that brings to mind the European school of late romantic..This picture was taken on by a stream in a place that is called the "Ewiges Rauschen" or constant murmuring. The tour leader who is a native of the area said that when he was young there were mussels to be found but I could not see any. There was a bench there naturally (Germans love to place benches for people to sit and enjoy the scenery) to rest and listen. The quality of the photo is not too good as it was taken with my cell phone. Click on this link to see a sweeping photo of the Egertal area The entire area in which the egertal is a part is called the "Fichtelgebirge" or fir forest mountains. This link gives many pictures and brief descriptions of the towns and places along with a map.
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