One of the things that I do to keep body and soul together is teach. I have two steady jobs and one is with the local symphony music school and the other is with a Gymnasium. This is not like a gym in English but similar to a college prep high school in the States. Germany has principally three types of schools and the children are selected around the fifth grade to go to either a Hauptschule, Real Schule, or a Gymnasium. The Gynmasium is quite difficult and is from 12 to 13 years of schooling with the Real school being 10 years and the Haupt school being 9 years. To be able to enter a university you must have graduated from a Gymnasium with a degree that is called an "Abitur".
I have a degree and am certified as an instrumental teacher with my bachelor´s degree. I have a beginning band group with the Hofer Symphony and I feel as though I am back in the States where I began as an instrumental teacher at Glen Ridge Highschool in New Jersey.
My masters is in voice and opera which qualifies me to teach voice. I teach vocal training in the Gymnasium.
I had to raise my right hand in the principal`s office swearing to uphold the laws of Bavaria and above all aver that I was not a Scientologist. That is the truth so help me Hannah and apologies to John Travolta, Tom Cruise, etc. The Germans are very suspicious of Scientologists putting them into the category of a sect along with the Jehovah`s Witnesses. I guess it helped that I am a Methodist.
The Methodists here in Germany have no problem with a beer or glass of wine after church services but they do not use wine in the communion service similar to the American Methodists.
Where was I? Yes, I promised my

Monika plays tuba in my beginner band and is no beginner being the rock of Gibraltar having been at least over 5 years in the group. She is the second in command and often advises me to try to make things prettier...that in Hofer dialect... Without her I would have never stayed

Eva and Christine my Monday the left and Tamara and Katerina on the right.
On Wednesday there is the quartet

I told them they would be on the internet and they probably will scream when they see their photos...
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