Saturday, December 29, 2012

29 December 2012

Today the weather was clear and about 40 degrees. While in the City to do some shopping,  I noticed many other people shopping for sales like me. A neighbor said the local supermarket parking was full and difficult to park. This is Germany the weekend before New Years Eve which is a holiday and the stores close early during day on the 24th.  Christmas lasted 2 days which meant Sunday the 23 all stores were closed and most businesses closed at Noon on the 24th what with Tuesday and Wednesday, the 25th and 26th being holidays it was essential to get all shopping done by the 22nd.  What is great here is the peaceful two days of Christmas without stores being open and most people staying at home in contrast to the States where everyday is go to the Mall!  I got some long walks in with the dog both of us enjoying the exercise and Thursday evening the 27th was a visit to the new Freiheitshalle an all purpose exhibition hall to see the Glinka Ballet company from Russia.